The fossil record shows that weegy. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. The fossil record shows that weegy

 The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leavesThe fossil record shows that weegy  [ This is relevant to

Weegy: 0. That is about 50. the fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time followed by several changes over a short period of time followed by another long period of stability this provides evidence for which view of evolution. Score 1 User: How can DNA be useful in phylogeny? Weegy: DNA can be useful. Fossil records show evidence of how living organisms have evolved or changed over time. Further Explanation. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Fossils 10. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. C. 1 How do fossils form? Click the card to flip 👆 Most fossils form when living things die and are buried by sediments. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium. Geology shows us that organisms that used to live together are found on separate continents due to continental drift. Question and answer. Asked 12/6/2016 8:55:17 PM. The fossil record shows which organisms have a common ancestor. Asked 9/24/2019 6:06:46 PM. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have. Expert. C. Log in for more information. Write 0. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. questions answered. An index fossil so important for the fossil record because: it used to define geological periods. [ Many medicines that treat fungal. the fossil record shows that an organism is relevantly unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability this provides evidence for which view of evolution. 37,221,479. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. [ This is relevant to. Monophyletic development B. become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. com. emdjay23. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. Rating. New answers. Weegy: DNA sequences from different species can be compared, giving us more information about their evolutionary relationships can DNA be useful. The fossil record shows that the first eukaryotes may have appeared on earth a. Which best describes the fossil record? The fossil record cannot provide evidence of evolution. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. New answers. graduated speciation D. Log in for more information. Monophyletic development B. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. [ This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. Get an answer. User: In. Weegy: The fossil record is the highly ordered sequence in which fossils are found in layers of sedimentary rock, best describes the fossil record. Masamune. Rating. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. What is a typical response to stress for someone with a type-A. Added 1/10/2021 9:54:59 AMThe fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. Rating. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. The fossil record is inaccurate because scientists are not able to date fossilsThe fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. Weegy: To form the plural of a noun ending in s, sh, ch, or x, you should add: -ES. Score 1. New answers . become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. This provides evidence for punctuated equilibrium. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become. 5/11/2023 2:30:35 AM| 3 Answers. Updated 14 days ago|4. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens,. Weegy: 7+3=10 User: Find the solution of x – 13 = 25, and verify your solution using substitution. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become. '; Popular Conversations. The sediments slowly harden into rock and preserve. B. Question. Expert answered|matahari|Points 23124|. Question. remained remarkably unchanged. New answers. more than 1 billion years ago c. 3/23/2023 12:29:02 AM| 6 Answers. Rating. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. Weegy: Mendel's law of segregation, states that allele pairs separate or segregate during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of stability this provides evidence for which view of evolution. The fossil record gives evidence of extinct species. The fossil record shows that the average size of black bears was large during cold glacial periods and got smaller during warmer time periods. This is supporting evolution because it shows that the structure of the whale is changing over time. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. The fossil record gives evidence of extinct species. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. The fossil record shows that the average size of black bears was large during cold glacial periods and got smaller during warmer time periods. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have. about 100 million years ago. [ This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. Added 6/3/2021 10:56:56 PMThe fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another period of stability. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestor. Weegy: The resulting fossil record tells the story of the past and shows the evolution of forms over millions of [ years. Jozeal. New answers. C. 3 @gary V The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time,. ro |Points 199645|The fossil record shows that there are large splits in the development of new species, supporting macroevolution. Question. Updated. B. Expert Answered. Question. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium. The fossil record shows which organisms have a common ancestor. The fossil record provides evidence of a common ancestor to many species. Asked 9/24/2019 6:06:46 PM. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become. Log in for more information. graduated speciation D. New answers. 37,393,312. User: Which one of the following. AThe fossil record shows only current species. Graduated speciationThe fossil record shows that the average size of black bears was large during cold glacial periods and got smaller during warmer time periods. Which of the following is best reason for citing sources in your. B. the fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. The fossil record shows that an organisms is relatively uncharged for a long period of time followed by several changes over a short period of time followed by another long period of stability this provides evidence for which view of evolution. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. lived in areas that aren't conducive to creating fossils, leaving very little fossil evidence behind. the fossil record shows that an organism is relevantly unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability this provides evidence for which view of evolution. weegy; Answer;. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another period of stability. The fossil record of horses is comprehensive, and clearly shows the evolution of horses over millions of years. 8. 0. ro. New answers. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. biotic potential B. The development of the horse in the fossil record shows The horse walked upright The horse started out the size of a small dog and evolved to the larger modern horse The modern horse evolved from mules The modern horse was once related to bears. become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. remained remarkably unchanged. Question. Get an answer. Weegy: The component that allows you to make a paper-based copy of a body of text is the:. B. Score 1. Score 1 User: How can DNA be useful in phylogeny? Weegy: DNA can be useful. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. Which statements best describe the fossil record? Check all that apply. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. Punctuated equilibrium D. This provides evidence for the Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. The Incident Commander depends on the Logistics Section Chief to: A. Expert answered|Masamune|Points 87160|. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. Weegy: The fossil record is the highly ordered sequence in which fossils are found in layers of sedimentary rock, best describes the fossil record. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Wallet. Weegy: Gene expression is regulated so that different genes are turned off and on at specific times during development of a multicellular organism,. The fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. f. this provides evidence for which view of evolution? A. The fossil record gives evidence of extinct species. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium. MsAnyaForger. Weegy: The component that allows you to make a paper-based copy of a body of text is the:. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium. The fossil record shows that the average size of black bears was large during cold glacial periods and got smaller during warmer time periods. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves. more than 4 billion years ago b. AThe fossil record shows only current species. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium view of evolution. The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a common ancestortransitional fossildescendentgenetic mutation. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have A. The development of the horse in the fossil record shows The horse walked upright The horse started out the size of a small dog and evolved to the larger modern horse The modern horse evolved from mules The modern horse was once related to bears. punctuated equilibriumThe fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. The development of the horse in the fossil record shows the horse started out the size of a small dog and evolved to the larger modern horse. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. The fossil record shows that multiple species of whales have converged into one species because of best fit. punctuated equilibriumThe fossil record shows that an organism is relatively unchanged for a long period of time, followed by several changes over a short period of time, followed by another long period of stability. remained remarkably unchanged. This provides evidence for Punctuated equilibrium. The fossil record of horses shows that over millions of years, horses have become larger, developed hooves in place of toes, and have adapted to eat grass instead of leaves.